Trying out the Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 100-400mm f/5-6.3 IS Lens

January 12, 2021

Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 100-400mm f/5-6.3 IS lens

As a birthday gift to myself, I acquired the Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 100-400mm f/5-6.3 IS lens. Since being announced in January of last year, I've been keenly interested in this lens but have waited for a few pro wildlife photographers to weigh in with their reviews. This particular review by Petr Babousek (link below) impressed me, so I decided to move forward with the purchase. After unboxing the new lens, but with only an hour to spare before needing to visit with my family, I took a quick hike to the local Waterboard Park to try it out. The weight of the Lens is well balanced with my OM-D E-M1X camera, and I added a 2x teleconverter to extend the magnification for a few of the shots. This morning I downloaded the images, made a couple of corrections in DXO PhotoLab for a bit of post-processing, and picked the best of the bunch! Overall I am pleased with the results of this first go at using a brand new lens.